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Nordic Parenting

Nordic Parenting

Nordic Parenting

Remembering that Nordic countries rank the highest when it comes to happiness and contentment, it's not new that Nordic parents surely treat parenthood as a source of their strength.  


Studies show that Scandinavian parenting is more likely to be light and relaxed. As a brand that creates comfortable and stylish baby clothes in a Nordic approach, we also want to give you hints on how to parent like a Scandinavian. We are sure you'll love to consider Nordic parenting as part of your journey.  

     1. Freedom   

  • Nordic parents reward their kids freedom as part of their happy childhood. Nordic kids mainly in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway don't start school until they are six years old.  They are allowed to get dirty in playtimes, play with the mud and rain, and play outside while exploring the beauty of nature. Nordic parents believe that these things contribute a lot to their kids' mental state. 

     2. Fresh air is a must

  • In Nordic countries, letting their kids breathe fresh air is a must whether it's cold or not.  They let their kids take a nap outside while wrapped in comfortable and warm essentials. Nordic parents believe that their little ones need to be exposed outside where clean and fresh air touches their gentle skin. 

     3. Physical Punishment is a NO

  • Kids don’t need pain to learn. Nordic parents don't consider laying their hands on their children as a form of punishment. They believe that spanking or hitting them with an object never teaches them right from wrong but rather teaches them to be aggressive. Instead of physical disciplining, communication and positive reinforcement are better guides.  

     4. Hygge

  • The state of comfort and coziness. Scandinavians tend to find comfort when they are around each other and they also teach their kids to hygge at an early age.

      5. Praise    

  • In Nordic parenting, the importance of praising your kids for their achievements, big or small, is embraced. It nurtures their confidence and fosters a happy upbringing. Encouraging milestones helps children develop a positive self-image and a strong sense of accomplishment.  

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