Do you believe in dreams?
Once upon a time, far up north, there was a magical land called Vauva where children were born to be free. They held tea parties with their pets, red colourful books and played outside together with all the other children of Vauva. “Letʼs find the rainbow today or build a tree house they chanted. Shall we have a snail race or draw a treasure map?
Who wants to collect seashells and swim in the rock pools?” Some days, they would find golden coins at the end of the rainbow, a perfectly muddy puddle for jumping in or spend countless hours drawing. On other days, they travelled on flying carpets through foreign lands and build rockets that blasted them into space.
They sailed with pirates and swam with mermaids in the seven seas. Nothing was impossible in the land of Vauva. If the children could dream it - it could become true! After a full day guided by their imagination, the children would return home for family time and stories in front of the fire. With smiles on their faces, the children of Vauva fell asleep in the evening, almost all at the same time. Tired from the dayʼs exploration, every night, the children and wonderful dreaming.dreamed up new adventures for the following day. Soon, a new day rose in Vauva; a new day full of love, hope and wonderful dreaming.
Some years ago one of the children, now grown up, had dreamed of starting a clothing brand for children. Because she knew since her childhood that anything was possible her dream became reality and the brand is called Vauva! Named after the very land where dreams come true. The happiest children are the ones that are free! Free to love, hope, dream and explore!

Meet the founder
After a full day guided by their imagination, the children would return home for family time and stories in front of the fire. With smiles on their faces the children of Vauva fell asleep in the evening, almost at the same time. Tired from the day’s exploration, every night, the children dreamed up new adventures for the following day. Soon, a new day rose in Vauva; a new day full of love, hope and wonderful dreaming.
- - - - - - - - - - From our founder - Ms. Vivian Wong
Since I was a child, I have dreamt about adventure. Imagine that, like Peter Pan, I live on my own island with all my friends and we play, we laugh all day long, with no worries. Vauva-Land exists, even after all these years, in my heart where I am free. Vauva is my dream ! A clothing brand created for children to be themselves. I know, since my childhood, that, with faith and love, nothing is impossible. The happiest children are the ones that are free! Free to Love, Hope, Dream and Explore.
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